Voices of Appalachian Progress

The first council meeting of 2020-21!


Thursday, October 22, 2020
Meeting starts at 10 a.m.


Two ways to join the conversation:

          1.  Zoom invitation will be emailed to you by Monday, October 19
        1.  In-Person Meeting Format (a limit of 10 persons at each site)
                    Muskingum Valley ESC, 205 N. 7th Street, Zanesville, (second floor) or
                    Ohio Valley ESC, 128 E. 8th Street, Cambridge, (lower level)



Theme for Council Meeting- Voices of Appalachian Progress


  • Hear from the Governor’s Office of Applachia- Director John Carey and Director of Development Lydia Mihalik
  • Appalachian Families and Children Report- Dr. Tracey Najera, Executive Director of Children’s Defense Fund, Ohio
  • Appalachian adults return to college-You will hear from adults in our area who have demonstrated persistence and determination in returning to college to finish their degree.
  • Potential broadband expansion in Appalachia
  • Appalachian schools receive Mental Health Grant