Appalachian Ohio P-20 Council
Third Meeting of the 2017-18 Academic Year

Thursday, April 26, 2018
Zane State Campus, Cambridge, OH
8:30 a.m. – Registration
9:00 a.m.- noon – Meeting


What is quality early learning?

What’s its value to the continuum of education and our future workforce?

Why would we want to invest early?

Aspiration, soft skills, and workforce development have been front and center for AOP-20.

At our April 26th event, we took the conversation to where workforce development begins – in early childhood!

Keynote speaker Jim Spurlino, President of Spurlino Materials, a construction materials company located in 3 states, has been active in the promotion of early childhood issues for over 10 years in the Cincinnati and Dayton area. He spoke about closing the gaps that exist in early learning opportunities for children.

Michael Harlow, State Director in Ohio for the Council for a Strong America, joined a panel of early learning experts! Mr. Harlow brings nearly 20 years of policy and legislative experience to the organization.



Dates of Future Meetings

2018-2019 Meetings To Be Announced